Selected Projects

Weenix Operating System

Implemented kernel processes & thread, virtual file system, virtual memory of an operating system including but not limited to mutex lock, context switch and wait, path resolution, address spaces. Passed over 1000 tests on both kernel-level and user-level thread. code

Distributed Lookup System

In this project, my contribution is consist of two parts

Smart Home System using Rasperry Pi

In this project, we design prototype of a smart home system based on Raspburry Pi.


More details can be seen here

Link Prediction using Textual and Graphical Features

In this project,we mainly focus on link prediction on the scholarly data. The dataset contains citation networks of 27770 documents with the information of title, abstract, authors and publish time. It is the same data using in AXA Data Science Winter School : Tsinghua, Renmin and Ecole Polytechnique

In this data challenge, I utilized 19 features and build a boosting system to predict the citing probability. The 19 features are:

More details can be seen here